Profit tax is to show all net profit, duty that hand in are expended. 利税是指净利润、上交的所有税费。
The SAR Government will improve the profit tax system. With effect from today, interest earnings by companies in savings in local banks can be exempted from profit tax. 特区政府将会改善利得税税制,由即日起,公司本地存款所赚取的利息收入,可豁免缴交利得税。
The profit and tax totaled 23 billion yuan and the export rose to 27 billion USD. 实现利税总额230亿元;出口额达到270亿美元。
Mahindra pledges 1 per cent of its profit after tax to social initiatives. 汽车集团mahindra则承诺将其税后利润的1%捐给公益项目。
Business ( profit) tax; corporate income tax [ US]; corporation tax [ UK] 营业(利润)税;公司所得税[美国];公司税[英国]
"While mindful of our strong second half last year, we expect adjusted profit before tax for the full year to be in the top half of market expectations," she said. “考虑到去年下半年的业绩表现强劲,我们预期本财年调整后的税前利润,将位于市场预期的中值以上,”她表示。
They apply to authorized banks for remitting abroad their net profit after tax as well as other legitimate earnings, and to the SAEC or its branch office for transferring foreign exchange capital abroad, both with the funds withdrawn from the above-mentioned deposit accounts. 他们可向授权银行申请将其依法纳税后的纯利润和其它正当收益汇出,他们也可申请将上述提到过的储蓄帐户和基金转帐国外。
Some of the opponents are also receptive to other tax rises, such as the introduction of progressive profits tax, increasing profit tax and a capital gains tax. 一些反对者也接受增加其它税项,例如引入累进利得税、提高利得税和资产增值税。
Other federal taxes include the corporate profit tax and social insurance taxes. 联邦政府的其他税收还有公司利润税和社会保险税。
Free cash flow equals the difference between net operating profit after tax and net investment. 自由现金流量等于扣除调整税的净营业利润与净投资之差。
Exports have topped the 80 million mark. the profit and tax totaled 23 billion yuan and the export rose to 27 billion USD. 出口额已超过8000万英镑.实现利税总额230亿元;出口额达到270亿美元。
On top of that, they pay sales tax and the tobacco industry pays profit tax. 除此之外,他们还缴纳销售税,而烟草业支付利润税。
Enterprise profit tax system is predicated on that the majority of operating organizations are the natural persons; 企业利润税形式是大量经济组织以自然人性质存在为前提;
The engineering cost is the price of engineering, which usually consists of direct fee, overheads, planned profit and tax. 工程造价通常讲就是工程的价格,一般由直接费、间接费、计划利润和税金组成。
The author holds that business earnings, taking protective measures for money capital as a basic point, should include holding income and net profit after tax. 作者认为,立足所有者或企业,并以货币资本保全为基点,企业的收益是包括持产收益的税后净利。
The profit and tax rate of the product has reached 41. 2%. 经检测,产品完全可用于头孢菌素的生产,产品利税率达到41.2%。
As to how to do well the work concerning the social insurance on the staff of the state run enterprises, the writer suggests that a systeme be established to link the insurance with their produced profit tax shares. 就如何做好国企职工社会保障工作,笔者提出了一种建议:建立国企职工社会保障与创造利税份额相联系的机制。
Corporate dividend policy mainly focus on how to distribute profit after tax. 股利政策主要讨论企业税后利润如何分配的问题,是企业的一项重要决策。
According to the up-to-date full cost pricing theory, water supply price is composed of triple costs, which include resource cost, environment cost, engineering cost, profit and tax. 根据最新的水价计价理论,全成本计价框架下供水工程水价应包括:资源成本、环境成本、工程成本、利润和税金三重成本五个组成部分。
As the capital profit tax has not been imposed in our country, we need not choose the dividend policy by comparing the income tax for individual with capital profit tax. 在我国,由于资本利得税尚未征收,因此就不存在根据个人所得税与资本利得税之间的比较来选择股利政策的情况。
The total effect of value proliferation of FFEs is negative and that of assets profit tax is positive, namely, FFEs only realize lesser value proliferation but achieve high profits, which shows the weak relevancy of the invested industries by FFEs in China. 外资企业的价值增殖总效应为负,资产利税总效应为正,即及外资企业产生了较少的价值增值,却获得了较多的利润。
Apply GM ( 1, 1) Model to Forecast Foreign Exchange Profit and Tax in Economic Development 应用GM(1,1)模型预测经济发展中的创汇和利税
The focus of income tax accounting research is an accounting dealing issue of what influence caused by the differences between accounting profit before tax and assessable income gives to the tax payment. 所得税会计研究的核心是税前会计利润与应税所得之间的差异对纳税影响额的会计处理问题。
Economic Value Added ( EVA) is economic profit that is Net Operating Profit After Tax deducted Weighted Average Capital Cost ( include equity and debt capital cost). 经济增加值EVA指企业税后净经营收益扣除包括股权和债务的加权资本成本后的经济利润。
Specifically, charitable organizations can enjoy four main categories of tax benefits, including profit tax, consumption tax, behavior tax and income tax; the donators can also enjoy the tax benefits of estate duty, etc.. 具体说来,慈善组织可享受的税收优惠包括收益税、消费税、行为税和所得税四大类;捐赠人亦可享受遗产税等税收优惠。
Adjusted and improved hospital profit tax policy, exempt from business tax and additional; lower income tax rates; adopted special policies to specific uniform tax standards and methods. 4. 调整和完善营利性医院的税收政策,免征营业税及其附加;降低所得税税率;制定专门政策明确统一税收标准和办法。
The objective functions of local government contain consumers 'welfare, profit of state-owned enterprises, profit tax from multinational companies and tariff, while the ultimate objective function is the weight of each local objective function. 地方政府的目标函数包括了消费者福利、国有企业利润、从跨国企业征收的利润税和关税,最终目标函数是各地方政府目标函数的加权。
In the process of trade policy making, China government faces a tradeoff among wage premium from multinational companies, profit tax, tariffs and losses of state-owned enterprises. 政府在制定对外贸易政策时,需要在跨国企业带来的工资溢价、利润税和关税、国有企业损失之间进行权衡。
On the basis of abidance of tax laws, enterprises making tax planning on financing will help to make correct financing decision and financial management, so as to realize the financial aim of owners 'profit after tax maximum at the same time of tax-planning. 在遵守税法的情况下,企业合理利用税收政策对筹资经济活动的纳税事项进行筹划,有助于企业进行正确的筹资决策和财务管理活动,以实现所有者税后收益最大化的财务管理目标。